December 2022

As we close the book on 2022, the NATO & the Global Enduring Disorder project is getting ready to 'order the disorder' in a big way in 2023. We won't spoil anything yet, but stay tuned - some exciting announcements are coming.

While the pace of global affairs and the output of some commentators usually lulls in December, there is neither rest for our Global Enduring Disorder team nor has there been a shortage of events to analyse. Our experts have examined a range of topics: the dangers of normalising relations with Assad in Syria; if the US midterm elections might herald an alarming path to authoritarianism; how climate change could upend the global balance of maritime power in the Arctic; and much more cutting edge analysis that you can read about on our site. As always, we are here to provide analysis, insight, and potential solutions to the Enduring Disorder.


January & February 2023


November 2022