Battleground podcast: Possible post-conflict solutions for Gaza

“We need a new solution and to my mind that new solution should use the fact that the Middle East is in a very very different place, not only since the Abraham Accords but the failure of the Iran deal, and we need to get on the same page all of the orderers in the region and unite them against the disorders. And I think that opportunity for creating post-war governance in Gaza can be a way to get dispriit American and Western allies on the same page..”

In this episode of Battleground Podcast, Jason Pack discusses the welcome pause in the fighting in Gaza, as the hostage for prisoner exchange process continues. He also addresses the question of what comes next and what realistic expectations there might be for progress on establishing a lasting peace in the Israel-Palestine situation. Jason shares with hosts of Battleground Patrick Bishop and Saul David, his ideas on how a start could be made by handing over Gaza to a joint administration by a coalition of Arab states.

Listen Here.

Jason Pack

Jason Pack is the Founder and Director of NATO & the Global Enduring Disorder. He is the founder of Libya-Analysis LLC and the non-profit Eye on ISIS, which creates the Libya Security Monitor. His most recent book, Libya and the Global Enduring Disorder (Hurst/Oxford University Press) explores what Libya’s dysfunctional economic structures, its ongoing civil war, and the lack of a coordinated international response to chaos in the country reveal about broader patterns in 21st century geopolitics.

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