Blame Netanyahu for Gaza, not ‘the Jews’

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu, is just a run-of-the-mill immoral, self-serving, law-evading, constitution-altering, neopopulist politician. Bibi is no different from Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Jair Bolsonaro, or Victor Orbán. All have engaged in personal corruption, all have tried to violate or change their countries’ constitutions, and all have heaped inhumane treatment on their opponents. There is nothing remarkable about Bibi’s evil and nothing at all Jewish, Zionist, or Settler Colonial about it.

Yet ignoring this, many are blaming “the Jews” or “Zionism” for Bibi’s actions in Gaza. On October 7, Jewish civilians were massacred by Hamas. Since then, “the Jews” have been let down by their leadership both in Israel and in the Diaspora. Israel missed an opportunity to protect Jews on October 7 militarily, then harmed Jews’ safety globally by overreacting in Gaza, and then did so again by missing a giant PR opportunity to conduct a sophisticated media campaign to defuse the worst outbreak of antisemitism since the second world war. Rather than being conspiratorial, world-beating, media-manipulating geniuses, the Israeli leadership have just been ordinary schlemiels – utterly failing militarily, strategically and in the court of public opinion.

Seen in totality, Israel, in addition to causing unspeakable, illegal, disproportionate, and counterproductive harm against Palestinians, has reversed Abba Eban’s famous slogan. It has scored a massive own goal by granting Hamas and anti-Zionist rejectionism an opportunity to play the victim…

Jason Pack

Jason Pack is the Founder and Director of NATO & the Global Enduring Disorder. He is the founder of Libya-Analysis LLC and the non-profit Eye on ISIS, which creates the Libya Security Monitor. His most recent book, Libya and the Global Enduring Disorder (Hurst/Oxford University Press) explores what Libya’s dysfunctional economic structures, its ongoing civil war, and the lack of a coordinated international response to chaos in the country reveal about broader patterns in 21st century geopolitics.

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