Libya Needs European Boots on the Ground

Stefano Marcuzzi writes for Carnegie Europe that the EU must seize on the strategic opportunity presented by the coronavirus pandemic to take the initiative away from Russia and Turkey in Libya: ‘The EU’s Libya policy, characterised by a light-footprint approach and humanitarian aid, has been eclipsed by hard power. Now, however, there is a new window of opportunity for EU action. The global pandemic and the closing of borders is likely to diminish the ability of external sponsors to substantially reinforce their Libyan proxies, at least for a few months’…

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Stefano Marcuzzi

Stefano Marcuzzi is the Project Area Lead of NATO & its Adversaries for NATO & the Global Enduring Disorder. An Oxford University DPhil in Military History, he has been a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI), Florence, a Visiting Scholar at Carnegie Europe, Brussels, and a Marie-Curie Fellow at the University College Dublin (UCD) and an external fellow at Boston University (BU). Stefano is also an Emerging Challenges Analyst for the NATO Defense College Foundation.

The Sultan and the Czar: Erdogan and Putin’s game-changing policies in Libya


Yet more failed diplomacy in Libya?