Black Ops and Secret Wars

Black Ops and Secret Wars

On Doomsday Watch, Arthur Snell talks to veteran intelligence officers to find out how the CIA’s ‘golden age’ of fixing elections and fomenting coups gave way to a post-9/11 world where technology enables new threats – and Putin and the Chinese have the advantage.

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McJihad - How Terror Became a Global Franchise

McJihad - How Terror Became a Global Franchise

On Doomsday Watch, Arthur Snell pieces together an astonishing story of how radicalisation is continuing in unexpected places around the world – how jihad leaders learned from the experts in global expansion, the fast food giants – and how jihad has found its mirror in QAnon.

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Doing Business with Hackers, Terrorists and Dictators

Doing Business with Hackers, Terrorists and Dictators

Kenneth Dekleva writes for The Cipher Brief on how the ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline and subsequent payment Darkside highlights the role of negotiations in cases involving cyber criminals.

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