America’s allies despise Trump — and that’s a threat to NATO

‘By now we’ve all heard or read about the hot-mic incident at the NATO summit in the United Kingdom this week. A camera caught several national leaders joking about the antics of President Trump. Many commentators drew unflattering comparisons with Trump’s oft-cited claim that other countries “are laughing at us” and left it at that. Yet this might miss the full significance of the story. The leaders of our NATO allies aren’t alone in seeing Trump as a dangerous joke — their citizens do, too. And Trump’s deepening unpopularity in the other countries of the West is becoming as much of a threat to NATO as Trump himself…’

Read Brian Klaas’ full article for The Washington Post here.

Brian Klaas

Dr. Brian Klaas is an Associate Professor in Global Politics at University College London and a columnist for The Washington Post. Klaas is also a frequent television commentator and political consultant. He is also the author of the forthcoming book CORRUPTIBLE: Who Gets Power and How It Changes Us and host of the Power Corrupts podcast. Dr. Klaas is an expert on democracy, authoritarianism, US foreign policy, American politics more generally, political violence, and elections. He has previously authored three books: ‘The Despot's Apprentice: Donald Trump's Attack on Democracy’ (Hurst & Co, November 2017); ‘The Despot's Accomplice: How the West is Aiding & Abetting the Decline of Democracy’ (Oxford University Press, December 2016); and ‘How to Rig an Election’ (Yale University Press, co-authored with Professor Nic Cheeseman; May 2018).

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