Stefano Marcuzzi and Alessio Terzi question ‘Are Multinationals Eclipsing Nation-States?’ in an article for Project Syndicate. ‘In the absence of government action to address today’s most pressing global problems, multinational corporations are stepping up to offer their own solutions…In the face of today’s most urgent challenges – including cybersecurity, climate change, geopolitical turmoil, and migration – nation-states seem incapable of marshalling both the will and the resources to mount an adequate response. Will big business be the solution, or is it part of the problem?’…

Read the full article here.

Stefano Marcuzzi

Stefano Marcuzzi is the Project Area Lead of NATO & its Adversaries for NATO & the Global Enduring Disorder. An Oxford University DPhil in Military History, he has been a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI), Florence, a Visiting Scholar at Carnegie Europe, Brussels, and a Marie-Curie Fellow at the University College Dublin (UCD) and an external fellow at Boston University (BU). Stefano is also an Emerging Challenges Analyst for the NATO Defense College Foundation.

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