McJihad - How Terror Became a Global Franchise

McJihad - How Terror Became a Global Franchise

On Doomsday Watch, Arthur Snell pieces together an astonishing story of how radicalisation is continuing in unexpected places around the world – how jihad leaders learned from the experts in global expansion, the fast food giants – and how jihad has found its mirror in QAnon.

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Why Can’t The West Win Its Wars Any More?

Why Can’t The West Win Its Wars Any More?

After 9/11 the West invaded Afghanistan and Iraq to remake them as friendly, terror-free liberal democracies. But the unintended consequences were historic disaster, countless dead and the humbling of Western power, symbolised by the shameful evacuation of Kabul in 2021. How did we get it so wrong? Arthur Snell discusses for Doomsday Watch.

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Doing Business with Hackers, Terrorists and Dictators

Doing Business with Hackers, Terrorists and Dictators

Kenneth Dekleva writes for The Cipher Brief on how the ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline and subsequent payment Darkside highlights the role of negotiations in cases involving cyber criminals.

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Terrorist and Armed Groups in the Fezzan-Sahel Region: Recruitment and Communication Tactics

Terrorist and Armed Groups in the Fezzan-Sahel Region: Recruitment and Communication Tactics

Stefano Marcuzzi and Jason Pack’s report for the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence overviews the affiliations of some of the main ethnic groups and tribes in southern Libya and their involvement in terrorism and people-smuggling.

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Are Multinationals Eclipsing Nation-States?

Are Multinationals Eclipsing Nation-States?

Stefano Marcuzzi and Alessio Terzi write for Project Syndicate on whether nation-states are equipped to tackle today’s most urgent challenges - cybersecurity, climate change, geopolitical turmoil, and migration – or is they are being eclipsed by multinationals.

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NATO-EU maritime cooperation: for what strategic effect?

NATO-EU maritime cooperation: for what strategic effect?

Stefano Marcuzzi’s NATO Defense College Policy Brief 7-18 assesses that cooperation is essential to a coordinated response to a variety of Mediterranean issues, including terrorist threats, the protracted conflicts in the MENA, and the refugee emergency.

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