When the US shrinks from the stage, things fall apart

In February, Jason Pack’s article ‘When the US shrinks from the stage, things fall apart’ was published in The Boston Globe. ‘From Ukraine to the Middle East and Taiwan, the world requires bipartisan American leadership that’s gone out of fashion…instead of conceiving of Ukraine, Libya, or Syria as exotic, far-away conflict zones disconnected from Americans’ daily life, what if we looked at them as the result of America’s abrupt withdrawal from its empire and the ever-increasing virulence of domestic American partisanship? These interconnections are all part of what I term the era of global enduring disorder, in which America’s hegemonic global leadership has been replaced by collective action failure among the Western allies and a desire by key players like Russia and China to promote disorder rather than alternative forms of order’…

Read the full article here.

Jason Pack

Jason Pack is the Founder and Director of NATO & the Global Enduring Disorder. He is the founder of Libya-Analysis LLC and the non-profit Eye on ISIS, which creates the Libya Security Monitor. His most recent book, Libya and the Global Enduring Disorder (Hurst/Oxford University Press) explores what Libya’s dysfunctional economic structures, its ongoing civil war, and the lack of a coordinated international response to chaos in the country reveal about broader patterns in 21st century geopolitics.


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