Putin’s Ukraine Gambit: Why Now and What’s Next

Dr. Kenneth Dekleva writes for The Cipher Brief on why Putin risked facing a robust alliance of American, Canadian, Japanese, and European allies, and even Chinese displeasure by invading Ukraine, after essentially achieving many of his strategic goals. Putin’s Russia is likely to face withering sanctions, diplomatic isolation, and increasingly, the status of a pariah state. Disruptive adversaries, such as Putin, are often masters at brinksmanship. While sanctions have to date done nothing to thwart Putin’s aggression, Putin has possibly over-estimated Biden’s perceived political weakness, as well as liabilities on the part of the EU, UK, and NATO. And he has very clearly underestimated American resolve.

Read the full article here.

Kenneth Dekleva

Dr. Kenneth Dekleva served as a Regional Medical Officer/Psychiatrist with the U.S. Dept. of State from 2002-2016, and is currently Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Director, Psychiatry-Medicine Integration, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX; and a Senior Fellow at the George HW Bush Foundation for US-China Relations. The views expressed are entirely his own and do not represent the views of the U.S. Government, the U.S. Dept. of State, or UT Southwestern Medical Center.


Putin’s Health and State of Mind are very Hard Targets


When the US shrinks from the stage, things fall apart